Welcome to West London Model Aeroplane Club
Next club event
Saturday, 05 April
Chris Foss Day
Day for Chris Foss models at Harefield, with prize at end
Chris Foss Day
Day for Chris Foss models at Harefield, with prize at end
Useful links

We will collect club clothing from the provider of branded clothing in late April. Clothing can be ordered from https://myclubkit.co.uk/wlmac-shop/.
Place orders by 13th April to ensure your order is included in this collection.
CAA IDs reminder
Every model needs to have an operator ID on it (starts GBR-OP). You get this by paying the CAA registration fee either to the club or direct to the CAA.Every person flying solo also needs a Flyer ID (starts GBR-RP), although this doesn't need to be displayed. If you don't have one, you can get one by completing the BMFA's RCC AND then uploading the certificate to the qualifications tab on your profile on the BMFA membership portal